Saturday, February 7, 2009


This is called 50 FIRST REACTIONS... type what comes to your mind FIRST whenever you hear these 50 words. Don't think and don't go back and change. Doesn't matter how random just type it! Repost it for all of your (bored) friends.

1. Beer: Red Horse
2. Food: Kare
3. Relationships: Friens
4. Your CRUSH: him
5. Power Rangers: PINK
6. Life: Long
7. The Presdent: i'm Sorry
8. Yummy: You?
9. Cars: the blue one :p
10. Movie: the secret garden11. Halloween: boring
12. Sex: female
13. Religion: christian14. Hate: racism
15. Fear: insects
16. Marriage: ring
17. Blondes: white chicks
18. Slippers: Havs
19. Shoes: chucks
20. Asians: Steve Samuel
21. Pass time: Cards
22. One night stand: wonderful life (koreanovela)
23. My cell Phone: 09165448045
24. Smoke: ewww
25. Fantasy:L,..deathnote
26. College: CSSP
27. Highschool Life: HAGABOLS :p
28. Pajamas: pink
29. Stars: DORA
30. Fitness Center: weights
31. Alcohol: Vodka
32. The word love: irrationality
33. Friends: APSM :p
34. Money: millionaire
35. Heartache: THE HECK,..
36. Time: destiny
37. Divorce: man
38. Dogs: tootsie
39. Undies: pink
40. Parents: sleeping
41. Babies: cuties
42. Ex: S.O.
43. Song: Secret Song by fm static
44. Color: BLACK
45. Weddings: birds
46. Pizza: HUT
47. Hangout: APSM tambayan
48. Resto: mang jimmy's,..haha
49. Goal: GOLD
50. Inspiration: HIM,..

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